Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Movement Yoga for people with Hypertension or High Blood

"Hypertension" or better known as "Blood Pressure" is a symptom of a disease that is quite commonly found in contemporary life is full of bustle. Hypertension occurs when blood pressure is systolic pressure (top) and diastolic (lower pressure) higher than normal ie 120/80.
For anyone that blood pressure reaches 140/90 consistently, you could say a person suffering from hypertension. Dangers of hypertension are related to various diseases of stroke and heart disease (coronary artery disease) which are both frequent causes of death reasons.
There are two types of "Hypertension" is:

* Primary Hypertension - usually caused by stress, injury, or fall. White coat hypertension is often not followed by signs (symptoms). Some other causes of primary hypertension is a disorder of emotion (emotional disturbance), extreme weather conditions, obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption.
* Secondary Hypertension - caused by infection of the kidneys or the endocrine glands and arterisklerosis.

Because hypertension does not show obvious symptoms, hypertension is often referred to as the "Silent Killer" (the cause of sudden death). If not known for fast, there will be disturbances of heart disease or even the effects to the eyes (renal damage). Signs or symptoms that might be perceived presence of hypertension is often headaches, blurry vision, and noise in the ear without cause.
But there is good news, there are some "yoga moves" that can relieve the symptoms of Hypertension. But it must be remembered, for hypertensive patients who have acute, of course, should consult with a physician. Yoga movement is presented here to further relieve the symptoms and had not anticipated that hypertension symptoms arise. Because by practicing yoga, the muscles of the body will be more flexible and this makes blood circulation more smoothly, and the result is a more normal blood pressure.
Some yoga asanas for Hypertension positions are as follows:

Sukhasana is a classic meditation position and is usually done after the corpse pose. Easy pose to help enforce the backbone behind, slow metabolism, give you peace of heart / emotions and calm the mind.

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