Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Movement Yoga for people with Hypertension or High Blood

"Hypertension" or better known as "Blood Pressure" is a symptom of a disease that is quite commonly found in contemporary life is full of bustle. Hypertension occurs when blood pressure is systolic pressure (top) and diastolic (lower pressure) higher than normal ie 120/80.
For anyone that blood pressure reaches 140/90 consistently, you could say a person suffering from hypertension. Dangers of hypertension are related to various diseases of stroke and heart disease (coronary artery disease) which are both frequent causes of death reasons.
There are two types of "Hypertension" is:

* Primary Hypertension - usually caused by stress, injury, or fall. White coat hypertension is often not followed by signs (symptoms). Some other causes of primary hypertension is a disorder of emotion (emotional disturbance), extreme weather conditions, obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption.
* Secondary Hypertension - caused by infection of the kidneys or the endocrine glands and arterisklerosis.

Because hypertension does not show obvious symptoms, hypertension is often referred to as the "Silent Killer" (the cause of sudden death). If not known for fast, there will be disturbances of heart disease or even the effects to the eyes (renal damage). Signs or symptoms that might be perceived presence of hypertension is often headaches, blurry vision, and noise in the ear without cause.
But there is good news, there are some "yoga moves" that can relieve the symptoms of Hypertension. But it must be remembered, for hypertensive patients who have acute, of course, should consult with a physician. Yoga movement is presented here to further relieve the symptoms and had not anticipated that hypertension symptoms arise. Because by practicing yoga, the muscles of the body will be more flexible and this makes blood circulation more smoothly, and the result is a more normal blood pressure.
Some yoga asanas for Hypertension positions are as follows:

Sukhasana is a classic meditation position and is usually done after the corpse pose. Easy pose to help enforce the backbone behind, slow metabolism, give you peace of heart / emotions and calm the mind.

Yoga helps to reduce complications in diabetes

The new study proves that "special yoga exercises" for people with Type 2 diabetes can help keep blood sugar levels in the body to be stable and reduce the complications of diabetes.

The study studied 123 adults with age middle-aged / elderly people with type 2 diabetes. Those who take a yoga class with a combination of movements and poses for the treatment of diabetes experienced a reduction in body weight to normal levels as well as blood pressure. For those who do not take a yoga class, his sugar levels showed an increase.

A noteworthy from this study is to perform yoga movements provide a very positive effect on blood sugar levels for type 2 diabetics, and found to also reduce the effect of "oxidized" stress on the body. For the group who perform yoga exercises, found a 20% reduction of oxidative stress in the blood.

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals damage cells. If this is unchecked, oxidative stress can lead to other chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

  Keep in mind, reducing levels of oxidative stress is not meant to reverse diabetic state itself, but rather reduce the complications caused by diabetes; among which heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and diseases of the eye - nearsightedness.

Thus, for diabetics who want an alternative treatment, all very well to begin the practice of yoga. Look for experienced instructors who know about yoga therapy and the use of yoga props (yoga therapy in general use yoga props to help establish correct alignment, or her position to a more simple yoga poses).

Gymnastics Yoga - Ideal Approach for Patients with Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has many casualties, especially women. The report shows the statistical data on U.S. 1 in 8 women have a tendency to develop breast cancer in their lifetime. The good news is that more people can live healthy women in post-cancer. There were about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors with healthy living in America.
"Yoga is one of healing and recovery process for patients with breast cancer."
"Yoga Exercise regularly to help cancer patients find peace and learn to keep himself well", says Linda Sparrowe a yoga teacher who leads yoga and meditation retreat for women cancer survivors. Academic research supports the facts above. Several studies in the published year 2011menunjukan yoga lowers levels of stress sufferers and side effects of cancer treatment. Side effects of cancer treatment including fatigue, pain, swelling, stiffness, and depression.
Investigators from the University of California, Los Angeles found that after practicing Iyengar yoga 2 x week for 3 months, post-breast cancer patients feel refreshed, feeling the stress is greatly reduced, and has high vitality.
In another study of Iyengar Yoga in Washington St. University, the participants felt the emotional and physical condition is excellent, and it turns out the content of the stress hormone cortisol to be lower than before. This is very good news, because the stress hormone cortisol levels are lower, mortality (death rate) of cancer patients is much reduced. This study proves the high hormones can trigger cancer to a higher stage.
Yoga also gives confidence to the body. A study at Indiana University - Bloomington, women who followed the Hatha Yoga for 8 weeks showed signs of more flexible, powerful, and accept their bodies are. "Yoga really helps us to be more relaxed with our bodies': said Marieke Van Puymbroeck, a chief research and therapy professor from Indiana University. Yoga helps us to build a source of energy in yourself and give a positive response to the challenges of life.